Announcing new Board Members for Camp Ramah in Northern California | Camp Ramah Northern California

Announcing new Board Members for Camp Ramah in Northern California

by Camp Ramah in Northern California

With pride and excitement, we announce Camp Ramah in Northern California’s new Board of Directors.

Our volunteer leadership provides strategic direction and oversight for Ramah, ensuring that our Camp is able to serve families in Northern California and beyond and advance our mission to provide transformative Jewish summer experiences.

We offer our sincerest thanks to Daniela Silverstein for her recent Board service, and special appreciation to Craig Miller and Loren Shalinsky for serving our Camp community well beyond their initial terms as Co-Presidents. Loren and Craig led our Board of Directors for more than a decade and passionately nurtured the inspiring start-up which is Ramah Galim. They are confidently passing the torch to Deborah Gonzalez and Stephen Moff as we strive to bring Camp Ramah to even greater heights.

As Ramah Galim prepares for our seventh summer of operation, we are the fastest growing Jewish camp in the region. Our journey from a start-up to a thriving educational enterprise would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of our Board of Directors.

Please feel free to reach out to any Board Member with questions, comments, or concerns. You may email our Co-Presidents, Deborah or Stephen, directly.

2023 Board of Directors


Co-President: Deborah Hoffman Gonzalez (Carmichael)

Co-President: Stephen Moff (Foster City)

Vice President: Laura Denenberg Wildmann (Berkeley)

Vice President: Miriam Wolf (Palo Alto)

Treasurer: Warren Mazer (Oakland)

Secretary: Danny Bernstein (Carmel Valley)

Immediate Past Pres: Craig Miller (San Francisco)

Immediate Past Pres: Loren Shalinsky (Mountain View)


Rabbi Joshua Berkenwald (San Jose)

Mark Fickes (Oakland)

Mary Friedman (Oakland)

Nathan Handelsman (Cupertino)

Alan Hakimi (Corte Madera)

Janis Popp (Palo Alto)

Jay Reisbaum (Los Angeles)

Scott Shapiro (Sacramento)

Sander Stadtler (Fairfax)

Federation Fellow: Michelle Morad (San Carlos)