Our Programs | Camp Ramah Northern California

Our Programs

As part of each of our signature specialty tracks, campers will experience unique activities and challenges as well as Jewish learning, service, and skill-development. On an average day at camp, campers will participate in the core specialty areas in the morning and then electives and bunk activities including swimming, arts and crafts, and other sport activities in the afternoon. On special days campers will have the opportunity to participate in all-camp activities such as Yom Sport or Yom Yisrael in addition to the special field trips and transformative overnight trips we offer for each specialty track.

Why Specialty Tracks?

Unlike at other summer camps where campers rotate through all camp activities from art to sports to theatre, a specialty program like ours allows for campers to explore their passions in-depth and engage in greater skill-development through intensive blocks of instruction and experience. Moreover, we believe in giving campers the opportunity to choose their specialty track each session as a development of their own responsibility and leadership skills. Campers who stay for both sessions I and II can choose to switch specialty tracks between the sessions or continue on in the same track. In addition to the specialty tracks, campers will have ample time to play sports, do arts and crafts, swim in our pool, and participate in other traditional camp activities.

Specialty Tracks (Maslulim) 2025

Two-week Specialty Track:

Campers will experience the life and magic that lies below the ocean surface through ocean sports and marine biology. Our expert leaders will offer opportunities for campers to safely learn to kayak, surf, and scuba dive, all the while empowering them to learn about the ocean environment and ocean conservation. Campers in the ocean exploration track will discover marine organisms, ride the waves, observe underwater flora and fauna, learn and master paddling and scuba skills, and raise questions about marine sustainability.

Four-week Intensives (for rising 7th-11th graders):

Surf Intensive (June 17-July 14 or July 2-29): Stoked about surfing? Campers in our 4-week surfing intensive learn a variety of surfing techniques, develop leadership skills and form a community of surfers while cultivating a connection with the ocean. Under the guidance of our experienced surf instructors, campers hone their skills as they ride the waves of Monterey Bay.

Scuba Intensive (June 17-July 14 or July 2-29): Unlock the world that lies b’toch hayam (under the sea). Campers in our 4-week scuba intensive will gain a deep appreciation for the wonders of life beneath the surface as they learn how to scuba dive and have the unique opportunity to become certified as open water divers. From the pool to Monterey Bay, campers develop a knowledge of scuba safety, equipment, and diving skills as well as an introduction to marine life and conservation.

The Scuba Intensive consists of three main phases:

- Knowledge Development (both pre-summer independent study and summer classroom learning sessions) to understand basic principles of scuba diving

- Confined Water Dives to learn basic scuba skills in our pool

- Open Water Dives to use your skills and explore the ocean

Two-week Specialty Track

This is not your bubbie’s drama program! Campers will have an opportunity to work with experienced performing artists to build their skills in a specific medium and then to craft their own play, dance, musical number, or set design as part of our larger showcase of modern Jewish arts. Campers will draw on inspiration from the natural environment and Jewish texts as well as improvisation skills to develop their own creative voice and use it to make the world a better place.

Four-week Intensives (for rising 7th-11th graders):

Dance Intensive (June 17-July 14 or July 2-29): Feel the rhythm of rikkud (dance). From technical skills to the theater stage, our dance intensive campers spend 4 weeks exploring different styles of dance, developing techniques, choreographing dances and performing for our larger camp community. From beginners to more advanced dancers, our passionate instructors help each camper to reach their personal potential as they work collaboratively towards mastering the art of storytelling through movement.

Two-week Specialty Track

By bike, hand, and foot, campers will overcome exciting challenges in our Adventure Sports track. Campers will have opportunities to build lifelong skills and friendships as they explore the world from the ground to the sky while rock climbing, organic farming, mountain biking, and more. Campers will utilize and refine their new wilderness skills as they climb to new heights on the overnight backcountry trips we offer each session. When signing up for Adventure Sports, campers can choose between “Outdoor Adventure” and “Wheels!”.

“Outdoor Adventure” will feature activities including outdoor cooking, hiking and navigation, shelter building, rock climbing, gardening, and mountain biking.

The “Wheels!” option will entail more time mountain biking than “Outdoor Adventure” and include the opportunity to practice other wheeled sports like skateboarding. Additionally, “Wheels!” will afford campers opportunities for Rock Climbing and some of the other options in “Outdoor Adventure” – just to a lesser extent.

Four-week Intensives (for rising 7th-11th graders):

Bike Intensive (June 17-July 14 or July 2-29): Get ready to ride! Our 4-week bike intensive campers spend their time building bike skills from the foundation up. Riders can expect to cover everything from bike maintenance, riding techniques, to tricks on the pump track, interpersonal communication and team building with a lens on environmental conservation. Under the guidance of our high-level bike instructors, campers experience the joy of riding as they hone their skills and explore trails around camp and Monterey Bay.

Campers enrolled in this specialty track choose either Soccer or Basketball as their “major” and work closely with expert coaches for approximately three hours each morning, developing individual and team skills crucial to a player’s growth. In the afternoons, time is also devoted to agility, speed, and conditioning to ensure that campers are strong, fit, and confident when the game is on the line.

Available Sessions:

Session 2 (July 2-14)

Session 3 (July 16-29)

Mix and Match:

Four-week Aleph (June 17-July 14)

Four-week Bet (July 2-29)

Full Season (June 17-July 29)

Participant Eligibility

Camp Ramah in Northern California strives to provide an amazing camp experience to as many campers that wish to come to camp and have a wide variety of activities available for campers to participate in. Camp Ramah in Northern California provides camp opportunities for campers going into grade 3 through grade 11.

Camp Ramah in Northern California also has a small program for campers with special needs. While age is a determining factor only so much as being indicated under 18, or over 18 for the campers with special needs, medical, cognitive, and physical factors are used to determine appropriateness of the program for such campers. We strive to provide a safe, fun, inspiring environment for these campers and work with parents to evaluate the camps ability to provide the necessary services to operate in such a way with each individual camper for this smaller program.

In general, eligibility to participate in camp activities is based off of several factors:

1) A health screening by a qualified medical professional indicating that the camper is healthy both physically and mentally enough to participate in general camp activities and meets the camp’s medical standards OR indicating participation in some activities but not all with a reason indicating participation & non-participation.

2) Parent permission to participate in all camp activities OR permission to participate in some camp activities but not all. Indicating the reason for participation & non-participation.

3) Age appropriateness of activities. Not all activities provided at camp are appropriate for all ages.

  1. General camp programs are offered for campers going into grades 3 through 11. Five-day programs are offered to campers going into grades 2 & 3.
  2. Any Scuba diving activity requires camper to be at least age 10, have parent permission, and meet the medical requirements as listed by PADI the scuba diving certifying agency.
  3. Some discussions and program activities at camp are also age dependent by Edah (division). This is done to allow campers to express themselves, have conversations, and push themselves in a manner that is both safe and nurturing for those of a particular age.