COVID-19 Update #5- March 25, 2020 | Camp Ramah Northern California

COVID-19 Update #5- March 25, 2020

Dear Camp Ramah in Northern California Families,

We hope this email finds your family healthy and safe amidst the difficult times in which we find ourselves. It was such a blessing to see many familiar camp faces at our virtual Havdallah last Saturday night.  We’ll be joining together again this Saturday evening, March 28 at 8pm PST over Zoom here.  I hope you can join us for a camp-style Havdallah with onesie pajamas, song, and dance.

We will continue to update our community regularly to best support our families. If your family is in need of additional support to deal with these trying times, feel free to reach out to Monica Shapiro, our Director of Camper Care at, or myself.  We are here to help you in any way we can.

At this point we are still planning to operate camp this summer, while knowing that the situation remains very dynamic and may change in the coming weeks.  We know how much our campers and staff are looking forward to seeing their camp friends and getting to the Galim beach. As we continue to communicate with our local public health departments, medical professionals, and the wider camp community, we will keep our families updated through emails and our camp family COVID-19 page here:  We will begin to make final decisions about the summer in May.

Here is information about how you can partner with us to best prepare for the summer:

What can I do by April 1st?

  • Login to your camp account to verify that you have submitted all of the necessary forms for your camper to attend camp to the best you are able to at this time – Forms due April 1
  • Login to your camp account and fill out the travel survey to let us know how your child will be getting to camp.

What can I do after April 1st?

  • Review packing list
  • Prepare your child’s medication according to our 2020 Medication Information Sheet. Please note that we are asking families to package their own medication this summer.
  • Review our Family Guidebook to become better acquainted with camp policies, procedures, and programs.
  • Look forward to uniting with camp friends

Special Circumstances:

  • Visiting the doctor: We understand that families may experience delays in visiting the doctor to complete the physician’s form. We are able to accept medical forms on a rolling basis as we get closer to the summer. Go ahead and submit whatever forms you have by April 1st, and the rest as you complete them.
  • Booking flights: For our families traveling from out of the area, we understand that it may be too early to know what flights will be operating this summer. For this reason, you may prefer to purchase airline tickets closer to the summer.
  • Purchasing insurance: We are still recommending that camp families consider purchasing program cancellation insurance. This insurance protects families in the case that a family decides not to send a child to camp this summer, and camp is still operating. We suggest the “cancel for any reason” option offered by our partners at:
  • Refund Policy: If we need to cancel any sessions of camp for the summer, Camp Ramah in Northern California remains committed to refunding families for 100% of their paid tuition.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions at all, or need support.

We look forward to gathering on Saturday night at 8PM PST for Havdallah on Zoom.  Also, visit our Facebook page for daily Ramah Recess programs at 12pm PST through April 3rd.

Rabbi Sarah Shulman, Camp Director
415.688.4572 |
A summer of possibilities awaits…